Prep Time 15 minutes - Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes - Serves 4
These are a great alternative to roast potatoes on a Sunday or any day of the week. They make an amazing side-dish, but I can eat them just by themselves as the main event, so bloody comforting.
Give them a try next time you make a roast.

4 potatoes, finely sliced as possible.
4 sweet potatoes, finely sliced as possible.
2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, finely chopped.
3 sprigs of fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped.
1 onion, finely sliced as possible.
1 fennel, finely sliced as possible.
400 ml of chicken or veg stock.
50 g of melted butter.
Preheat the oven to 180℃ then place the onions, fennel and herbs into a large bowl and mix.
Take your roasting tray and grease it with a little oil. Now put down the first layer of potatoes, season with salt and pepper then top with the some of the onion and fennel mixtures. Repeat this until you have only one layer of potatoes left which would be your top layer. Make sure you season each layer heavily, and that you pat each layer down before adding the next one, so it gets nice and compact.
Before adding the top layer pour in the stock, you want enough so it just comes under the potatoes. Now add the final layer and season. Cover with tinfoil and pop onto a larger roasting tray and into the preheated oven for 40 minutes.
Now remove the foil, brush on the melted butter and pop back into the oven for another 30 minutes. The potatoes are ready when you can push a knife through easily. Depending on how thick you have sliced the potatoes they may need a little longer and if they start to get to dark cover with foil. What you are looking for is beautifully soft potatoes with a nice crispy layer.